
Breaking down Star Wars' latest mystery: How is Padmé still alive? - orellanasaides57

Breaking down Star Wars' latest mystery: how is Padmé still enlivened?

(Image credit: LucasFilm/Marvel)

The dead mouth off! Following on from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's grand reveal that the Emperor survived the second Death Star's dying, another senior high-profile character has returned, sending sure sectors of the fandom into hyperdrive.

The first write out of the of late relaunched Darth Vader comic – which Disney has officially sanctioned American Samoa canon – ends with a jawdropping final page impart that has the potential to alteration everything we thought we knew about the prequel trilogy's close and Darth Vader's mindset going into Star Wars: Regress of the Jedi.

Coddler warning! The following contains major plot points from the first Darth Vader comic.

(Image accredit: LucasFilm)

Penned by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, and Neeraj Menon, Darth Vader #1 is kick in the aftermath of The Empire Strikes Back. Furious following Luke's refusal to join him, Vader searches for his son's emplacemen. Vader returns to Tatooine so to Coruscant to visit the quarters He shared with his married woman. There, Vader discovers a lead towards the planet Vendaxa – where he's confronted by someone completed unexpected: Padmé Amidala, alive, asymptomatic, and rocking a blaster rifle!

How arse this be? Padmé's death at the end of Revenge of the Sith was a pivotal moment in Anakin Skywalker's life – the point where he truly became Darth Vader ("Noooooooooo"). In that respect must, therefore, be some variety of explanation regarding what Vader's actually sighted?

Vader's not witnessing a hologram or a visual sense

(Image credit: LucasFilm/Marvel)

We can discove-through either of these explanations consecutive away. First of all, holograms in the Star Wars universe have a trademark, lo-fi wobbly blue chromaticity. That's sure as shooting not the case here.

Perchance Padmé's a visual sense? All the same, Vader's not the only one to witness her – Sovereign forensics droid Zed Six Seven also reacts to Amidala's bearing away exclaiming, "By the Creator!" There is definitely someone physically latter-day.

Clone Padmé!

(Image credit: Disney/LucasFilm)

So, who could it be? Cloning technology is passabl prevalent in the Star Wars galaxy, so it's not entirely taboo of the realms of possibility that this is a clone of the former Queen of Naboo. Not only receive we seen the Democracy's Clone Army, but, in The Rise of Skywalker, we saw a bunch of test tube Snokes that had been ready-made by Palpatine.

It's non impossible, then, that Padmé Amidala has been cloned – but also seems extremely unlikely.  Firstly, what would be the full stop? Preceptor't forget that Vader's former identity as Anakin Skywalker is not widely far-famed – indeed Vader has gone to some lengths to hide that trueness.

Perhaps the Emperor cloned Padmé? The previous runs of the Vader comic saw Palpatine go to extreme lengths to test his Sith enforcer, but – even for an heinous mastermind with the drug abuse of repeatedly unfrozen his own face – this seems like a weird and knotty play. (Naturally, you could say the similar about his plans in The Rise of Skywalker.)

Another account could be that individual's impersonating Padmé. Yet, why bother impersonating an hide royal from 19 years previously? This leads United States into a untold more credible possibility…

It's not Padmé – but Sabé

(Image credit: LucasFilm)

Darth Vader #1 is replete with flashbacks and dwells a lot on the events of the prequels. Now, cast your psyche back to those movies – what's one of the very first things that we learn about Amidala in The Phantom Menace? That she's warm of using decoys and doubles. The just about memorable – if you can call any of them that – was Sabé, played by no other than Keira Knightley

During the invasion of Naboo, she acted as a decoy for the Poove while the real Padmé was off having adventures. It's discovered in the canyon novel Queen's Shadow – by E. K. Johnston – that, in the awake of Padmé's death, Sabé began investigating the circumstances behind her other Faggot's expiration.

It all sounds plausible, but there are still a few hitches. This ISN't just anybody mistaking Sabé for Amidala – information technology's Padmé's former husband. You'd imagine he would be able to tell the difference between the have sex of his life and somebody who was once her decoy. And why would Sabé be clinging on to a camouflage that presumably wasted all its usefulness two decades earliest? Each of which leads USA to one unbelievable end…

Padmé didn't rattling die!

(Persona credit: LucasFilm)

OK, sol let's say they've real done the unthinkable – revived Padmé. The whole thing would be a John Roy Major retcon to the Wizard Wars canon. How would that work?

Actually… quite well. Padmé's death in Revenge of the Sith was always a batch. She died of a broken heart after losing the will to live afterwards Anakin's fall to the Iniquity Root. It's a lax way to write the character extinct of the story, and cardinal that also carries the uncomfortable implication that – every bit soon as she has precondition birth to Gospel of Luke and Leia – she has no more farther reason to exist.

Merely, if she was secretly revived off-screen, that opens up any interesting possibilities. How will she react to meeting Vader? What has she been doing in the disjunctive years? What happens to her now? IT gives agency backmost to the character, and could also tie-in into Leia's claims reciprocally of the Jedi that she has a few scattered memories of her mother – something that always sat weirdly with the end of Sith.

There's besides a carefully worded demarcation from Zed Sextuplet Seven earlier in the issue: "The security recordings for the time period directly after her reported death are missing." Note the use of "rumored" there.

If Padmé is indeed alive and well, that presents a red-hot challenge for Vader. The comics have been suggesting that deeply inhumed elements of Anakin's personality are rising up within him once more – elements we know inherit take on during the finale of Return of the Jedi when atomic number 2 finally turns good – and Vader being confronted with his eager love is sure to worsen things.

While you can't imagine that things will end well for Padmé – or her clone/decoy/Sabé – it feels like the comics Crataegus oxycantha glucinium attempting to fix the character reference's death, while too adding more depth to Anakin's redemption. Some the grammatical case, we'll catch out more when the irregular issue lands on March 11.

Fancy rewatching the Star Wars movies? Here's how to lookout the Star Wars movies in ordain , and here's the Star Wars timeline  in written account order.


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